
Semin.Cancer Biol.:糙莓浆果成为预防癌症的超级食物

作者:admin 来源:本站 发布时间: 2011-06-30 19:43  浏览次数:
购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com


据国外媒体报道,Mac Black富含丰富的鞣花酸,花青素和抗氧化剂,因此以其卓越的保健功能被称为“浆果之王”。抗氧化剂能毁灭聚集在身体里破坏细胞的自由基。

俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)的研究表明给患有结肠肿瘤以及食管肿瘤的老鼠注入糙莓浆果之后,肿瘤有着明显的缩小。同时,树莓和黑莓的提取物可以有效缓解乳房癌、宫颈癌、结肠癌以及食道癌的发作。计算黑莓提取物对结肠癌以及食道癌的影响的临床试验已经开始。

Mac Black源自北美,5年前被英国最大的浆果种植园发现并移植去英国,从那时候开始它就大面积繁殖并开始进入市场。作为新品种,并且价格便宜干净卫生,2英镑就可以买到125g。

Mac Black开始特供特斯科(Tesco),买方詹姆斯·樊迪(James Waddy)说,“自从民众开始意识到健康的重要性之后,对浆果的需求量开始日益增多。因此,从今年春天开始我们就大力培育这种果浆,而且今年有着20年来最温暖的春天,因此连果汁都比以前的饱满。我们坚信Mac Black将会成为浆果之王,有一天也会超过传统的红色品种的市场份额。”


Seminars in Cancer Biology   doi:10.1016/j.semcancer.2007.05.001

Cancer prevention with freeze-dried berries and berry components

Gary D. Stoner, Li-Shu Wang, Nancy Zikri , Tong Chen, Stephen S. Hecht, Chuanshu Huang, Christine Sardo,  and John F. Lechner

Our laboratory is developing a food-based approach to the prevention of esophageal and colon cancer utilizing freeze-dried berries and berry extracts. Dietary freeze-dried berries were shown to inhibit chemically induced cancer of the rodent esophagus by 30–60% and of the colon by up to 80%. The berries are effective at both the initiation and promotion/progression stages of tumor development. Berries inhibit tumor initiation events by influencing carcinogen metabolism, resulting in reduced levels of carcinogen-induced DNA damage. They inhibit promotion/progression events by reducing the growth rate of pre-malignant cells, promoting apoptosis, reducing parameters of tissue inflammation and inhibiting angiogenesis. On a molecular level, berries modulate the expression of genes involved with proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation and angiogenesis. We have recently initiated clinical trials; results from a toxicity study indicated that freeze-dried black raspberries are well tolerated in humans when administered orally for 7 days at a dose of 45 g per day. Several Phase IIa clinical trials are underway in patients at high risk for esophagus and colon cancer; i.e., Barrett's esophagus, esophageal dysplasia and colonic polyps, to determine if berries will modulate various histological and molecular biomarkers of development of these diseases.

Keywords: Black raspberries; Colon; Esophagus; Cancer; Prevention

购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com

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