
J. Androl.:手机辐射或致男性精子数量减少

作者:admin 来源:CNET科技资讯网 发布时间: 2011-08-30 15:46  浏览次数:
购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com

据《男科期刊》(Journal of Andrology)上发表的一份报告称,美国和全世界的研究人员发现,手机发射的无线电电磁辐射或男性减少精子数量、降低精子质量。





加州大学伯克利分校公众健康系家庭与社区卫生中心主管乔尔·莫斯克维茨(Joel Moskowitz)博士向CNET表示,这是一个非常复杂的课题,还需要进一步研究。






Effects of the Exposure to Mobile Phones on Male Reproduction: A Review of the Literature.

La Vignera S, Condorelli RA, Vicari E, D'Agata R, Calogero AE.

The use of mobile phones is now widespread. A great debate is going on about the possible damage that the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) emitted by mobile phones exerts on different organs and apparatuses. Aim of this article was to review the existing literature exploring the effects of RF-EMR on the male reproductive function in experimental animals and human beings. Studies on the experimental animals have been conducted in rats, mice, and rabbits using a similar design based upon mobile phone radiofrequency exposure for a variable length of time. Altogether the results of these studies show that RF-EMR decreases sperm count and motility, and increases the oxidative stress. In human beings, two different experimental approaches have been followed, one has explored the effects of RF-EMR directly on spermatozoa and the other has evaluated the sperm parameters in men using or not mobile phones. The results show that human spermatozoa exposed to RF-EMR have decreased motility, morphometric abnormalities, and increased oxidative stress, whereas men using mobile phones have decreased sperm concentration, motility (particularly the rapid progressive one), normal morphology, and viability. These abnormalities seem to be directly related with the length of mobile phone use.

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