

作者:admin 来源:凤凰科技 发布时间: 2014-04-03 18:18  浏览次数:
购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com







科学家们一共发现了20种对面部外观产生“显著影响”的基因。“我们一般利用DNA来匹配个体或者鉴别个体的身份,但其实从DNA里你可以获得更多信息。” 研究首席科学家、美国宾夕法尼亚州大学的马克·施赖弗(Mark Shriver)教授这样说道。“目前我们还无法实现利用DNA获得面部信息,或者从面部特征获得DNA信息,但是理论上这是可行的。” 施赖弗补充说道。

基于来自美国、巴西和佛得角、具有西非和欧洲混合血统的人类的一系列面部形状,并对3D面部图像数千个坐标的网格进行测量,研究小组首次研发了一个模型。 同时科学家们还利用了统计方法以确定面部差异与性别、种族和个人基因变异之间的关系。这一研究的启示意义不可估量,它提供了基于基因标记来建立面部类型数据库的可能性。




Modeling 3D Facial Shape from DNA

Peter Claes, Denise K. Liberton, Katleen Daniels, Kerri Matthes Rosana, Ellen E. Quillen, Laurel N. Pearson, Brian McEvoy, Marc Bauchet,Arslan A. Zaidi, Wei Yao, Hua Tang, Gregory S. Barsh, Devin M. Absher, [ ... ], Mark D. Shriver

Human facial diversity is substantial, complex, and largely scientifically unexplained. We used spatially dense quasi-landmarks to measure face shape in population samples with mixed West African and European ancestry from three locations (United States, Brazil, and Cape Verde). Using bootstrapped response-based imputation modeling (BRIM), we uncover the relationships between facial variation and the effects of sex, genomic ancestry, and a subset of craniofacial candidate genes. The facial effects of these variables are summarized as response-based imputed predictor (RIP) variables, which are validated using self-reported sex, genomic ancestry, and observer-based facial ratings (femininity and proportional ancestry) and judgments (sex and population group). By jointly modeling sex, genomic ancestry, and genotype, the independent effects of particular alleles on facial features can be uncovered. Results on a set of 20 genes showing significant effects on facial features provide support for this approach as a novel means to identify genes affecting normal-range facial features and for approximating the appearance of a face from genetic markers.


购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com

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