

作者:admin 来源:2014年7月30日的《Nature》杂 发布时间: 2014-10-09 08:51  浏览次数:
购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com



现在,Kornelia Polyak及同事利用一个小鼠模型发现,肿瘤生长可以由一个小的细胞子类群通过一个非细胞自主机制(non-cell-autonomous mechanism)来驱动。然而,这一小的细胞子类群也可被更快的增殖竞争对手超越,导致肿瘤瓦解。这些结果显示了异质肿瘤中亚克隆相互作用和克隆干涉的复杂性,对于治疗也有潜在的意义。


Non-cell-autonomous driving of tumour growth supports sub-clonal heterogeneity

Andriy Marusyk, Doris P. Tabassum, Philipp M. Altrock, Vanessa Almendro, Franziska Michor & Kornelia Polyak

Cancers arise through a process of somatic evolution that can result in substantial sub-clonal heterogeneity within tumours. The mechanisms responsible for the coexistence of distinct sub-clones and the biological consequences of this coexistence remain poorly understood. Here we used a mouse xenograft model to investigate the impact of sub-clonal heterogeneity on tumour phenotypes and the competitive expansion of individual clones. We found that tumour growth can be driven by a minor cell subpopulation, which enhances the proliferation of all cells within a tumour by overcoming environmental constraints and yet can be outcompeted by faster proliferating competitors, resulting in tumour collapse. We developed a mathematical modelling framework to identify the rules underlying the generation of intra-tumour clonal heterogeneity. We found that non-cell-autonomous driving of tumour growth, together with clonal interference, stabilizes sub-clonal heterogeneity, thereby enabling inter-clonal interactions that can lead to new phenotypic traits.


细胞治疗所用的无血清培养基 lonza 04-418Q无血清培养基  网址链接http://www.bitebo.com/a/gb2312/info/2013/0413/5029.html

干细胞治疗所用的无血清培养基 lonza 12-725F无血清培养基 网址链接http://bitebo.com/a/gb2312/gongsixinxi/shichanghuodong/2014/0514/5157.html


购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com

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