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加州大学洛杉矶分校琼森综合癌症中心科学家研究揭示了,骨髓中一种独特蛋白驱动干细胞修复损伤后的血液系统的机制。 这项突破性的发现可以使癌症和其他血液有关疾病现有的放疗和化疗治疗更有效。相关研究结论发表在JouRNAl of Clinical Investigation杂志上。 在全球范围内,数以百万计的癌症患者通过放射治疗或化学治疗来治愈疾病,而大部分患者最终却是血液系统遭到损害。并且目前的治疗方案是周期性的,治疗间隔一般需要30天,以便让血液系统有时间来愈合和修复。 新研究的重点是造血干细胞,其可以改变并成为任何其他类型的血细胞,如红细胞或白血细胞。长期以来,科学家们在实验室研究了造血干细胞,试图了解骨髓如何调控并指示造血干细胞再生和自我修复(造血干细胞再生和自我修复有助于我们身体损伤或应激后的恢复)。 在之前的研究中,Chute已发现,血管内皮细胞(构成骨髓血管内膜的细胞)在指导造血干细胞如何更新和自我修复中发挥着关键作用。他的理论认为,身体受到损伤或发生应激反应后,血液系统直接驱动干细胞,以促进和加快损伤恢复。 在这项新研究中,Chute发现一种名为多营养因子的新蛋白质结合造血干细胞,激活血液干细胞,以刺激整个血液系统的恢复。Chute团队进行了小鼠模型实验,常规致命剂量的辐射后,给予小鼠多营养因子。他们发现,给予多营养因子后,造血干细胞和血液系统恢复得更快。 我们现在已经发现多营养因子指示造血干细胞的再生机制。Chute和他的团队目前正在试图开展I期临床试验,目标是加速所有类型放疗和化疗患者的恢复。Chute表示:有了这个发现,我们希望能够进一步改善癌症患者或其他血液有关的疾病的治疗结果。 Pleiotrophin mediates hematopoietic reGENEration via activation of RAS Heather A. Himburg, et al. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are highly susceptible to ionizing radiation–mediated death via induction of ROS, DNA double-strand breaks, and apoptotic pathways. The development of therapeutics capable of mitigating ionizing radiation–induced hematopoietic toxicity could benefit both victims of acute radiation sickness and patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation. Unfortunately, therapies capable of accelerating hematopoietic reconstitution following lethal radiation exposure have remained elusive. Here, we found that systemic administration of pleiotrophin (PTN), a protein that is secreted by BM-derived endothelial cells, substantially increased the survival of mice following radiation exposure and after myeloablative BM transplantation. In both models, PTN increased survival by accelerating the recovery of BM hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vivo. PTN treatment promoted HSC regeneration via activation of the RAS pathway in mice that expressed protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor-zeta (PTPRZ), whereas PTN treatment did not induce RAS signaling in PTPRZ-deficient mice, suggesting that PTN-mediated activation of RAS was dependent upon signaling through PTPRZ. PTN strongly inhibited HSC cycling following irradiation, whereas RAS inhibition abrogated PTN-mediated induction of HSC quiescence, blocked PTN-mediated recovery of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and abolished PTN-mediated survival of irradiated mice. These studies demonstrate the therapeutic potential of PTN to improve survival after myeloablation and suggest that PTN-mediated hematopoietic regeneration occurs in a RAS-dependent manner.(doi:10.1172/JCI76838)
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