

作者:admin 来源:生物谷 发布时间: 2014-11-14 09:59  浏览次数:
购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com


2014年10月30日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日研究发现,Johns Hopkins 大学的研究人员研究表明,一种常见的蛋白质此前认为在离子通道的开启和关闭过程中进出我们的细胞时起着不同的作用。这些通道对我们的生命来说是至关重要的,细胞内存有适当的钠离子和钙离子浓度加强大脑沟通,促进心脏收缩和许多其它进程。新的研究显示,实际上一种能够拓宽离子通道的钙调蛋白一直被认为是处于休眠状态的。这一发现可能会带来新的见解,这些离子通道不被正确的控制会引起机体紊乱,如心律失常、癫痫和帕金森疾病的发生,研究人员说。


医学博士David Yue说,在当前的模型中,只有钙调蛋白与钙离子通过结合改变其形状之后钙调蛋白才能激活。然后活化的钙调蛋白与特异性的控制钙和钠离子通道的开关相结合后关闭离子通道。



Apocalmodulin Itself Promotes Ion Channel Opening and Ca2 Regulation.

1.Paul J. Adams, Manu Ben-Johny, Ivy E. Dick, Takanari Inoue, David T. Yue.


The Ca2+-free form of calmodulin (apoCaM) often appears inert, modulating target molecules only upon conversion to its Ca2+-bound form. This schema has appeared to govern voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, where apoCaM has been considered a dormant Ca2+ sensor, associated with channels but awaiting the binding of Ca2+ ions before inhibiting channel opening to provide vital feedback inhibition. Using single-molecule measurements of channels and chemical dimerization to elevate apoCaM, we find that apoCaM binding on its own markedly upregulates opening, rivaling the strongest forms of modulation. Upon Ca2+ binding to this CaM, inhibition may simply reverse the initial upregulation. As RNA-edited and -spliced channel variants show different affinities for apoCaM, the apoCaM-dependent control mechanisms may underlie the functional diversity of these variants and explain an elongation of neuronal action potentials by apoCaM. More broadly, voltage-gated Na channels adopt this same modulatory principle. ApoCaM thus imparts potent and pervasive ion-channel regulation.


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购买进口仪器、试剂和耗材——就在始于2001年的毕特博生物 www.bitebo.com

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