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英国科学家日前开发出一种无注射技术,从而使医务工作者更易于对早产儿进行药物测试。 研究人员指出,这项成果不仅能使开具的处方更加准确,并且还将大大降低该种测试对新生儿及其家人所造成的创伤。 这是全球针对这种儿童药物测试的创新方法首次公布的研究结果,该成果被刊登在美国医学期刊《儿科》上。 贝尔法斯特儿童医院和贝尔法斯特女王大学药学院的研究人员利用简单的足后跟采血血样进行了此项研究。 贝尔法斯特女王大学药学教授James McElnay说:“这种形式的测试将大大降低虚弱病人在作药物测试时的不适感。更重要的是,它将保证最大程度的准确计算一个病儿最合适的药量。” McElnay指出:“医院里80%的特别护理婴儿都需要接受药物治疗,但是对于如此幼小的病患,在给药时并没有现成的适当测试方法或规则可用,所用的剂量通常都是按照成人或较大儿童所用的规定剂量来计算的。” 贝尔法斯特女王大学的研究涉及了抗生素甲硝唑。该研究小组利用吸墨纸从早产新生儿身上取得一滴血,这些新生儿都接受了常规护理的药物治疗。这滴血干燥后,由研究人员进行分析,而分析结果被用来指导医生开处方时配给药量。 McElnay说:“我们的这一成果为利用同样方法研究其他在儿童身上施用的药物开启了机会,而且我们目前正在对此进行深入研究。”
Metronidazole Population Pharmacokinetics in Preterm Neonates Using Dried Blood-Spot Sampling Maysa Suyagh, PhDa, Paul S. Collier, PhDa, Jeffrey S. Millership, PhDa, Godwill Iheagwaram, PhDa, Muriel Millar, BScb, Henry L. Halliday, MDb, James C. McElnay, PhDa OBJECTIVES: To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of metronidazole in preterm neonates. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data were collected prospectively from 32 preterm neonates who received intravenous metronidazole for the treatment of or prophylaxis against necrotizing enterocolitis. Dried blood spots (n = 203) on filter paper were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the data were subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis performed by using nonlinear mixed-effect modeling. RESULTS: A 1-compartment model best described the data. Significant covariates were weight (WT) and postmenstrual age (PMA). The final population models for metronidazole clearance (CL) and volume of distribution (V) were: CL = 0.0247 × (WT/1.00)0.75 × (1 + 0.107 × [PMA − 30]) and V = 0.726 × WT, where CL is in liters per hour, WT is in kilograms, PMA is in weeks, and V is in liters. This model predicts that the half-life of metronidazole decreases rapidly from ∼40 hours at 25 weeks' PMA to 19 hours at 32 weeks' PMA, after which it starts to plateau. This decrease in half-life is the result of a 5-fold increase in CL compared with only a 2.5-fold increase in V during the same period. CONCLUSIONS: Currently, there are no specific dose recommendations for metronidazole in preterm neonates. However, a dosing scheme for preterm neonates that takes into consideration both the weight and PMA has been suggested and should avoid administration of doses that are excessive or more frequent than necessary.
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